
mmfewshot.classification.models.heads.matching_head 源代码

# Copyright (c) OpenMMLab. All rights reserved.
import warnings
from typing import Dict, List

import torch
import torch.nn.functional as F
from mmcls.models.builder import HEADS
from torch import Tensor

from mmfewshot.classification.datasets import label_wrapper
from .base_head import BaseFewShotHead

[文档]@HEADS.register_module() class MatchingHead(BaseFewShotHead): """Classification head for `MatchingNet. <>`_. Note that this implementation is without FCE(Full Context Embeddings). Args: temperature (float): The scale factor of `cls_score`. loss (dict): Config of training loss. """ def __init__(self, temperature: float = 100, loss: Dict = dict(type='NLLLoss', loss_weight=1.0), *args, **kwargs) -> None: super().__init__(loss=loss, *args, **kwargs) self.temperature = temperature # used in meta testing self.support_feats_list = [] self.support_labels_list = [] self.support_feats = None self.support_labels = None self.class_ids = None
[文档] def forward_train(self, support_feats: Tensor, support_labels: Tensor, query_feats: Tensor, query_labels: Tensor, **kwargs) -> Dict: """Forward training data. Args: support_feats (Tensor): Features of support data with shape (N, C). support_labels (Tensor): Labels of support data with shape (N). query_feats (Tensor): Features of query data with shape (N, C). query_labels (Tensor): Labels of query data with shape (N). Returns: dict[str, Tensor]: A dictionary of loss components. """ class_ids = torch.unique(support_labels).cpu().tolist() cosine_distance = F.normalize(query_feats), F.normalize(support_feats).transpose(0, 1)) scores = F.softmax(cosine_distance * self.temperature, dim=-1) scores =[ scores[:, support_labels == class_id].mean(1, keepdim=True) for class_id in class_ids ], dim=1).log() query_labels = label_wrapper(query_labels, class_ids) losses = self.loss(scores, query_labels) return losses
[文档] def forward_support(self, x: Tensor, gt_label: Tensor, **kwargs) -> None: """Forward support data in meta testing.""" self.support_feats_list.append(x) self.support_labels_list.append(gt_label)
[文档] def forward_query(self, x: Tensor, **kwargs) -> List: """Forward query data in meta testing.""" cosine_distance = F.normalize(x), F.normalize(self.support_feats).transpose(0, 1)) scores = F.softmax(cosine_distance * self.temperature, dim=-1) scores =[ scores[:, self.support_labels == class_id].mean(1, keepdim=True) for class_id in self.class_ids ], dim=1) pred = F.softmax(scores, dim=1) pred = list(pred.detach().cpu().numpy()) return pred
[文档] def before_forward_support(self) -> None: """Used in meta testing. This function will be called before model forward support data during meta testing. """ # reset saved features for testing new task self.support_feats_list.clear() self.support_labels_list.clear() self.support_feats = None self.support_labels = None self.class_ids = None
[文档] def before_forward_query(self) -> None: """Used in meta testing. This function will be called before model forward query data during meta testing. """ self.support_feats =, dim=0) self.support_labels =, dim=0) self.class_ids, _ = torch.unique(self.support_labels).sort() if max(self.class_ids) + 1 != len(self.class_ids): warnings.warn( f'the max class id is {max(self.class_ids)}, while ' f'the number of different number of classes is ' f'{len(self.class_ids)}, it will cause label ' f'mismatching problem.', UserWarning)
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