
mmfewshot.classification.models.heads.cosine_distance_head 源代码

# Copyright (c) OpenMMLab. All rights reserved.
import copy
from typing import Dict, List, Optional

import torch
import torch.nn as nn
import torch.nn.functional as F
from mmcls.models.builder import HEADS
from torch import Tensor
from torch.nn.utils.weight_norm import WeightNorm

from .base_head import BaseFewShotHead

[文档]@HEADS.register_module() class CosineDistanceHead(BaseFewShotHead): """Classification head for `Baseline++`_. Args: num_classes (int): Number of categories. in_channels (int): Number of channels in the input feature map. temperature (float | None): Scaling factor of `cls_score`. Default: None. eps (float): Constant variable to avoid division by zero. Default: 0.00001. """ def __init__(self, num_classes: int, in_channels: int, temperature: Optional[float] = None, eps: float = 0.00001, *args, **kwargs) -> None: super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) assert num_classes > 0, f'num_classes={num_classes} ' \ f'must be a positive integer' self.in_channels = in_channels self.num_classes = num_classes if temperature is None: self.temperature = 2 if num_classes <= 200 else 10 else: self.temperature = temperature self.eps = eps self.init_layers() def init_layers(self) -> None: self.fc = nn.Linear(self.in_channels, self.num_classes, bias=False) self.fc = nn.utils.weight_norm(self.fc, name='weight', dim=0)
[文档] def forward_train(self, x: Tensor, gt_label: Tensor, **kwargs) -> Dict: """Forward training data.""" x_norm = torch.norm(x, p=2, dim=1).unsqueeze(1).expand_as(x) x_normalized = x.div(x_norm + self.eps) cls_score = self.temperature * self.fc(x_normalized) losses = self.loss(cls_score, gt_label) return losses
[文档] def forward_support(self, x: Tensor, gt_label: Tensor, **kwargs) -> Dict: """Forward support data in meta testing.""" return self.forward_train(x, gt_label, **kwargs)
[文档] def forward_query(self, x: Tensor, **kwargs) -> List: """Forward query data in meta testing.""" x_norm = torch.norm(x, p=2, dim=1).unsqueeze(1).expand_as(x) x_normalized = x.div(x_norm + self.eps) cls_score = self.temperature * self.fc(x_normalized) pred = F.softmax(cls_score, dim=1) pred = list(pred.detach().cpu().numpy()) return pred
[文档] def before_forward_support(self) -> None: """Used in meta testing. This function will be called before model forward support data during meta testing. """ # the parameter will be random initialized for each task. self.init_layers() self.train()
[文档] def before_forward_query(self) -> None: """Used in meta testing. This function will be called before model forward query data during meta testing. """ self.eval()
def __deepcopy__(self, memo): """Deep copy function for nn.utils.weight_norm. During validation and meta testing, the whole module will be copied and the WeightNorm hook is not support deepcopy. More details in """ # save and delete all weight_norm hook for module in self.modules(): for _, hook in module._forward_pre_hooks.items(): if isinstance(hook, WeightNorm): delattr(module, __deepcopy__ = self.__deepcopy__ self.__deepcopy__ = None # deep copy itself result = copy.deepcopy(self) self.__deepcopy__ = __deepcopy__ # restore all weight_norm hook for module in self.modules(): for _, hook in module._forward_pre_hooks.items(): if isinstance(hook, WeightNorm): hook(module, None) return result
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