
mmfewshot.detection.datasets.voc 源代码

# Copyright (c) OpenMMLab. All rights reserved.
import os.path as osp
import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET
from collections import OrderedDict
from typing import Dict, List, Optional, Sequence, Union

import mmcv
import numpy as np
from mmcv.utils import print_log
from mmdet.core import eval_recalls
from mmdet.datasets.builder import DATASETS

from mmfewshot.detection.core import eval_map
from .base import BaseFewShotDataset

# pre-defined classes split for few shot setting
VOC_SPLIT = dict(
    ALL_CLASSES_SPLIT1=('aeroplane', 'bicycle', 'boat', 'bottle', 'car', 'cat',
                        'chair', 'diningtable', 'dog', 'horse', 'person',
                        'pottedplant', 'sheep', 'train', 'tvmonitor', 'bird',
                        'bus', 'cow', 'motorbike', 'sofa'),
    ALL_CLASSES_SPLIT2=('bicycle', 'bird', 'boat', 'bus', 'car', 'cat',
                        'chair', 'diningtable', 'dog', 'motorbike', 'person',
                        'pottedplant', 'sheep', 'train', 'tvmonitor',
                        'aeroplane', 'bottle', 'cow', 'horse', 'sofa'),
    ALL_CLASSES_SPLIT3=('aeroplane', 'bicycle', 'bird', 'bottle', 'bus', 'car',
                        'chair', 'cow', 'diningtable', 'dog', 'horse',
                        'person', 'pottedplant', 'train', 'tvmonitor', 'boat',
                        'cat', 'motorbike', 'sheep', 'sofa'),
    NOVEL_CLASSES_SPLIT1=('bird', 'bus', 'cow', 'motorbike', 'sofa'),
    NOVEL_CLASSES_SPLIT2=('aeroplane', 'bottle', 'cow', 'horse', 'sofa'),
    NOVEL_CLASSES_SPLIT3=('boat', 'cat', 'motorbike', 'sheep', 'sofa'),
    BASE_CLASSES_SPLIT1=('aeroplane', 'bicycle', 'boat', 'bottle', 'car',
                         'cat', 'chair', 'diningtable', 'dog', 'horse',
                         'person', 'pottedplant', 'sheep', 'train',
    BASE_CLASSES_SPLIT2=('bicycle', 'bird', 'boat', 'bus', 'car', 'cat',
                         'chair', 'diningtable', 'dog', 'motorbike', 'person',
                         'pottedplant', 'sheep', 'train', 'tvmonitor'),
    BASE_CLASSES_SPLIT3=('aeroplane', 'bicycle', 'bird', 'bottle', 'bus',
                         'car', 'chair', 'cow', 'diningtable', 'dog', 'horse',
                         'person', 'pottedplant', 'train', 'tvmonitor'))

[文档]@DATASETS.register_module() class FewShotVOCDataset(BaseFewShotDataset): """VOC dataset for few shot detection. Args: classes (str | Sequence[str]): Classes for model training and provide fixed label for each class. When classes is string, it will load pre-defined classes in `FewShotVOCDataset`. For example: 'NOVEL_CLASSES_SPLIT1'. num_novel_shots (int | None): Max number of instances used for each novel class. If is None, all annotation will be used. Default: None. num_base_shots (int | None): Max number of instances used for each base class. When it is None, all annotations will be used. Default: None. ann_shot_filter (dict | None): Used to specify the class and the corresponding maximum number of instances when loading the annotation file. For example: {'dog': 10, 'person': 5}. If set it as None, `ann_shot_filter` will be created according to `num_novel_shots` and `num_base_shots`. Default: None. use_difficult (bool): Whether use the difficult annotation or not. Default: False. min_bbox_area (int | float | None): Filter images with bbox whose area smaller `min_bbox_area`. If set to None, skip this filter. Default: None. dataset_name (str | None): Name of dataset to display. For example: 'train dataset' or 'query dataset'. Default: None. test_mode (bool): If set True, annotation will not be loaded. Default: False. coordinate_offset (list[int]): The bbox annotation will add the coordinate offsets which corresponds to [x_min, y_min, x_max, y_max] during training. For testing, the gt annotation will not be changed while the predict results will minus the coordinate offsets to inverse data loading logic in training. Default: [-1, -1, 0, 0]. """ def __init__(self, classes: Optional[Union[str, Sequence[str]]] = None, num_novel_shots: Optional[int] = None, num_base_shots: Optional[int] = None, ann_shot_filter: Optional[Dict] = None, use_difficult: bool = False, min_bbox_area: Optional[Union[int, float]] = None, dataset_name: Optional[str] = None, test_mode: bool = False, coordinate_offset: List[int] = [-1, -1, 0, 0], **kwargs) -> None: if dataset_name is None: self.dataset_name = 'Test dataset' \ if test_mode else 'Train dataset' else: self.dataset_name = dataset_name self.SPLIT = VOC_SPLIT # the split_id would be set value in `self.get_classes` self.split_id = None assert classes is not None, f'{self.dataset_name}: classes in ' \ f'`FewShotVOCDataset` can not be None.' self.num_novel_shots = num_novel_shots self.num_base_shots = num_base_shots self.min_bbox_area = min_bbox_area self.CLASSES = self.get_classes(classes) # `ann_shot_filter` will be used to filter out excess annotations # for few shot setting. It can be configured manually or generated # by the `num_novel_shots` and `num_base_shots` if ann_shot_filter is None: # configure ann_shot_filter by num_novel_shots and num_base_shots if num_novel_shots is not None or num_base_shots is not None: ann_shot_filter = self._create_ann_shot_filter() else: assert num_novel_shots is None and num_base_shots is None, \ f'{self.dataset_name}: can not config ann_shot_filter and ' \ f'num_novel_shots/num_base_shots at the same time.' self.coordinate_offset = coordinate_offset self.use_difficult = use_difficult super().__init__( classes=None, ann_shot_filter=ann_shot_filter, dataset_name=dataset_name, test_mode=test_mode, **kwargs)
[文档] def get_classes(self, classes: Union[str, Sequence[str]]) -> List[str]: """Get class names. It supports to load pre-defined classes splits. The pre-defined classes splits are: ['ALL_CLASSES_SPLIT1', 'ALL_CLASSES_SPLIT2', 'ALL_CLASSES_SPLIT3', 'BASE_CLASSES_SPLIT1', 'BASE_CLASSES_SPLIT2', 'BASE_CLASSES_SPLIT3', 'NOVEL_CLASSES_SPLIT1','NOVEL_CLASSES_SPLIT2','NOVEL_CLASSES_SPLIT3'] Args: classes (str | Sequence[str]): Classes for model training and provide fixed label for each class. When classes is string, it will load pre-defined classes in `FewShotVOCDataset`. For example: 'NOVEL_CLASSES_SPLIT1'. Returns: list[str]: List of class names. """ # configure few shot classes setting if isinstance(classes, str): assert classes in self.SPLIT.keys( ), f'{self.dataset_name}: not a pre-defined classes or ' \ f'split in VOC_SPLIT' class_names = self.SPLIT[classes] if 'BASE_CLASSES' in classes: assert self.num_novel_shots is None, \ f'{self.dataset_name}: BASE_CLASSES do not have ' \ f'novel instances.' elif 'NOVEL_CLASSES' in classes: assert self.num_base_shots is None, \ f'{self.dataset_name}: NOVEL_CLASSES do not have ' \ f'base instances.' self.split_id = int(classes[-1]) elif isinstance(classes, (tuple, list)): class_names = classes else: raise ValueError(f'Unsupported type {type(classes)} of classes.') return class_names
def _create_ann_shot_filter(self) -> Dict[str, int]: """Generate `ann_shot_filter` for novel and base classes. Returns: dict[str, int]: The number of shots to keep for each class. """ ann_shot_filter = {} if self.num_novel_shots is not None: for class_name in self.SPLIT[ f'NOVEL_CLASSES_SPLIT{self.split_id}']: ann_shot_filter[class_name] = self.num_novel_shots if self.num_base_shots is not None: for class_name in self.SPLIT[f'BASE_CLASSES_SPLIT{self.split_id}']: ann_shot_filter[class_name] = self.num_base_shots return ann_shot_filter
[文档] def load_annotations(self, ann_cfg: List[Dict]) -> List[Dict]: """Support to load annotation from two type of ann_cfg. Args: ann_cfg (list[dict]): Support two type of config. - loading annotation from common ann_file of dataset with or without specific classes. example:dict(type='ann_file', ann_file='path/to/ann_file', ann_classes=['dog', 'cat']) - loading annotation from a json file saved by dataset. example:dict(type='saved_dataset', ann_file='path/to/ann_file') Returns: list[dict]: Annotation information. """ self.cat2label = {cat: i for i, cat in enumerate(self.CLASSES)} data_infos = [] for ann_cfg_ in ann_cfg: if ann_cfg_['type'] == 'saved_dataset': data_infos += self.load_annotations_saved(ann_cfg_['ann_file']) elif ann_cfg_['type'] == 'ann_file': # load annotation from specific classes ann_classes = ann_cfg_.get('ann_classes', None) if ann_classes is not None: for c in ann_classes: assert c in self.CLASSES, \ f'{self.dataset_name}: ann_classes must in ' \ f'dataset classes.' else: ann_classes = self.CLASSES data_infos += self.load_annotations_xml( ann_cfg_['ann_file'], ann_classes) else: raise ValueError( f'{self.dataset_name}: not support ' f'annotation type {ann_cfg_["type"]} in ann_cfg.') return data_infos
[文档] def load_annotations_xml( self, ann_file: str, classes: Optional[List[str]] = None) -> List[Dict]: """Load annotation from XML style ann_file. It supports using image id or image path as image names to load the annotation file. Args: ann_file (str): Path of annotation file. classes (list[str] | None): Specific classes to load form xml file. If set to None, it will use classes of whole dataset. Default: None. Returns: list[dict]: Annotation info from XML file. """ data_infos = [] img_names = mmcv.list_from_file(ann_file) for img_name in img_names: # ann file in image path format if 'VOC2007' in img_name: dataset_year = 'VOC2007' img_id = img_name.split('/')[-1].split('.')[0] filename = img_name # ann file in image path format elif 'VOC2012' in img_name: dataset_year = 'VOC2012' img_id = img_name.split('/')[-1].split('.')[0] filename = img_name # ann file in image id format elif 'VOC2007' in ann_file: dataset_year = 'VOC2007' img_id = img_name filename = f'VOC2007/JPEGImages/{img_name}.jpg' # ann file in image id format elif 'VOC2012' in ann_file: dataset_year = 'VOC2012' img_id = img_name filename = f'VOC2012/JPEGImages/{img_name}.jpg' else: raise ValueError('Cannot infer dataset year from img_prefix') xml_path = osp.join(self.img_prefix, dataset_year, 'Annotations', f'{img_id}.xml') tree = ET.parse(xml_path) root = tree.getroot() size = root.find('size') if size is not None: width = int(size.find('width').text) height = int(size.find('height').text) else: img_path = osp.join(self.img_prefix, dataset_year, 'JPEGImages', '{}.jpg'.format(img_id)) img = mmcv.imread(img_path) width, height = img.size ann_info = self._get_xml_ann_info(dataset_year, img_id, classes) data_infos.append( dict( id=img_id, filename=filename, width=width, height=height, ann=ann_info)) return data_infos
def _get_xml_ann_info(self, dataset_year: str, img_id: str, classes: Optional[List[str]] = None) -> Dict: """Get annotation from XML file by img_id. Args: dataset_year (str): Year of voc dataset. Options are 'VOC2007', 'VOC2012' img_id (str): Id of image. classes (list[str] | None): Specific classes to load form xml file. If set to None, it will use classes of whole dataset. Default: None. Returns: dict: Annotation info of specified id with specified class. """ if classes is None: classes = self.CLASSES bboxes = [] labels = [] bboxes_ignore = [] labels_ignore = [] xml_path = osp.join(self.img_prefix, dataset_year, 'Annotations', f'{img_id}.xml') tree = ET.parse(xml_path) root = tree.getroot() for obj in root.findall('object'): name = obj.find('name').text if name not in classes: continue label = self.cat2label[name] if self.use_difficult: difficult = 0 else: difficult = obj.find('difficult') difficult = 0 if difficult is None else int(difficult.text) bnd_box = obj.find('bndbox') # It should be noted that in the original mmdet implementation, # the four coordinates are reduced by 1 when the annotation # is parsed. Here we following detectron2, only xmin and ymin # will be reduced by 1 during training. The groundtruth used for # evaluation or testing keep consistent with original xml # annotation file and the xmin and ymin of prediction results # will add 1 for inverse of data loading logic. bbox = [ int(float(bnd_box.find('xmin').text)), int(float(bnd_box.find('ymin').text)), int(float(bnd_box.find('xmax').text)), int(float(bnd_box.find('ymax').text)) ] if not self.test_mode: bbox = [ i + offset for i, offset in zip(bbox, self.coordinate_offset) ] ignore = False if difficult or ignore: bboxes_ignore.append(bbox) labels_ignore.append(label) else: bboxes.append(bbox) labels.append(label) if not bboxes: bboxes = np.zeros((0, 4)) labels = np.zeros((0, )) else: bboxes = np.array(bboxes, ndmin=2) labels = np.array(labels) if not bboxes_ignore: bboxes_ignore = np.zeros((0, 4)) labels_ignore = np.zeros((0, )) else: bboxes_ignore = np.array(bboxes_ignore, ndmin=2) labels_ignore = np.array(labels_ignore) ann_info = dict( bboxes=bboxes.astype(np.float32), labels=labels.astype(np.int64), bboxes_ignore=bboxes_ignore.astype(np.float32), labels_ignore=labels_ignore.astype(np.int64)) return ann_info def _filter_imgs(self, min_size: int = 32, min_bbox_area: Optional[int] = None) -> List[int]: """Filter images not meet the demand. Args: min_size (int): Filter images with length or width smaller than `min_size`. Default: 32. min_bbox_area (int | None): Filter images with bbox whose area smaller `min_bbox_area`. If set to None, skip this filter. Default: None. Returns: list[int]: valid indices of `data_infos`. """ valid_inds = [] if min_bbox_area is None: min_bbox_area = self.min_bbox_area for i, img_info in enumerate(self.data_infos): # filter empty image if self.filter_empty_gt: cat_ids = img_info['ann']['labels'].astype(np.int64).tolist() if len(cat_ids) == 0: continue # filter images smaller than `min_size` if min(img_info['width'], img_info['height']) < min_size: continue # filter image with bbox smaller than min_bbox_area # it is usually used in Attention RPN if min_bbox_area is not None: skip_flag = False for bbox in img_info['ann']['bboxes']: bbox_area = (bbox[2] - bbox[0]) * (bbox[3] - bbox[1]) if bbox_area < min_bbox_area: skip_flag = True if skip_flag: continue valid_inds.append(i) return valid_inds
[文档] def evaluate(self, results: List[Sequence], metric: Union[str, List[str]] = 'mAP', logger: Optional[object] = None, proposal_nums: Sequence[int] = (100, 300, 1000), iou_thr: Optional[Union[float, Sequence[float]]] = 0.5, class_splits: Optional[List[str]] = None) -> Dict: """Evaluation in VOC protocol and summary results of different splits of classes. Args: results (list[list | tuple]): Predictions of the model. metric (str | list[str]): Metrics to be evaluated. Options are 'mAP', 'recall'. Default: mAP. logger (logging.Logger | None): Logger used for printing related information during evaluation. Default: None. proposal_nums (Sequence[int]): Proposal number used for evaluating recalls, such as recall@100, recall@1000. Default: (100, 300, 1000). iou_thr (float | list[float]): IoU threshold. Default: 0.5. class_splits: (list[str] | None): Calculate metric of classes split defined in VOC_SPLIT. For example: ['BASE_CLASSES_SPLIT1', 'NOVEL_CLASSES_SPLIT1']. Default: None. Returns: dict[str, float]: AP/recall metrics. """ # It should be noted that in the original mmdet implementation, # the four coordinates are reduced by 1 when the annotation # is parsed. Here we following detectron2, only xmin and ymin # will be reduced by 1 during training. The groundtruth used for # evaluation or testing keep consistent with original xml # annotation file and the xmin and ymin of prediction results # will add 1 for inverse of data loading logic. for i in range(len(results)): for j in range(len(results[i])): for k in range(4): results[i][j][:, k] -= self.coordinate_offset[k] if not isinstance(metric, str): assert len(metric) == 1 metric = metric[0] allowed_metrics = ['mAP', 'recall'] if metric not in allowed_metrics: raise KeyError(f'metric {metric} is not supported') if class_splits is not None: for k in class_splits: assert k in self.SPLIT.keys(), 'undefiend classes split.' class_splits = {k: self.SPLIT[k] for k in class_splits} class_splits_mean_aps = {k: [] for k in class_splits.keys()} annotations = [self.get_ann_info(i) for i in range(len(self))] eval_results = OrderedDict() iou_thrs = [iou_thr] if isinstance(iou_thr, float) else iou_thr if metric == 'mAP': assert isinstance(iou_thrs, list) mean_aps = [] for iou_thr in iou_thrs: print_log(f'\n{"-" * 15}iou_thr: {iou_thr}{"-" * 15}') mean_ap, ap_results = eval_map( results, annotations, classes=self.CLASSES, scale_ranges=None, iou_thr=iou_thr, dataset='voc07', logger=logger, use_legacy_coordinate=True) mean_aps.append(mean_ap) eval_results[f'AP{int(iou_thr * 100):02d}'] = round(mean_ap, 3) # calculate evaluate results of different class splits if class_splits is not None: for k in class_splits.keys(): aps = [ cls_results['ap'] for i, cls_results in enumerate(ap_results) if self.CLASSES[i] in class_splits[k] ] class_splits_mean_ap = np.array(aps).mean().item() class_splits_mean_aps[k].append(class_splits_mean_ap) eval_results[ f'{k}: AP{int(iou_thr * 100):02d}'] = round( class_splits_mean_ap, 3) eval_results['mAP'] = sum(mean_aps) / len(mean_aps) if class_splits is not None: for k in class_splits.keys(): mAP = sum(class_splits_mean_aps[k]) / len( class_splits_mean_aps[k]) print_log(f'{k} mAP: {mAP}', logger=logger) elif metric == 'recall': gt_bboxes = [ann['bboxes'] for ann in annotations] recalls = eval_recalls( gt_bboxes, results, proposal_nums, iou_thr, logger=logger) for i, num in enumerate(proposal_nums): for j, iou in enumerate(iou_thr): eval_results[f'recall@{num}@{iou}'] = recalls[i, j] if recalls.shape[1] > 1: ar = recalls.mean(axis=1) for i, num in enumerate(proposal_nums): eval_results[f'AR@{num}'] = ar[i] return eval_results
@DATASETS.register_module() class FewShotVOCCopyDataset(FewShotVOCDataset): """Copy other VOC few shot datasets' `data_infos` directly. This dataset is mainly used for model initialization in some meta-learning detectors. In their cases, the support data are randomly sampled during training phase and they also need to be used in model initialization before evaluation. To copy the random sampling results, this dataset supports to load `data_infos` of other datasets via `ann_cfg` Args: ann_cfg (list[dict] | dict): contain `data_infos` from other dataset. Example: [dict(data_infos=FewShotVOCDataset.data_infos)] """ def __init__(self, ann_cfg: Union[List[Dict], Dict], **kwargs) -> None: super().__init__(ann_cfg=ann_cfg, **kwargs) def ann_cfg_parser(self, ann_cfg: Union[List[Dict], Dict]) -> List[Dict]: """Parse annotation config from a copy of other dataset's `data_infos`. Args: ann_cfg (list[dict] | dict): contain `data_infos` from other dataset. Example: [dict(data_infos=FewShotVOCDataset.data_infos)] Returns: list[dict]: Annotation information. """ data_infos = [] if isinstance(ann_cfg, dict): assert ann_cfg.get('data_infos', None) is not None, \ f'{self.dataset_name}: ann_cfg of ' \ f'FewShotVOCCopyDataset require data_infos.' # directly copy data_info data_infos = ann_cfg['data_infos'] elif isinstance(ann_cfg, list): for ann_cfg_ in ann_cfg: assert ann_cfg_.get('data_infos', None) is not None, \ f'{self.dataset_name}: ann_cfg of ' \ f'FewShotVOCCopyDataset require data_infos.' # directly copy data_info data_infos += ann_cfg_['data_infos'] return data_infos @DATASETS.register_module() class FewShotVOCDefaultDataset(FewShotVOCDataset): """Dataset with some pre-defined VOC annotation paths. :obj:`FewShotVOCDefaultDataset` provides pre-defined annotation files to ensure the reproducibility. The pre-defined annotation files provide fixed training data to avoid random sampling. The usage of `ann_cfg' is different from :obj:`FewShotVOCDataset`. The `ann_cfg' should contain two filed: `method` and `setting`. Args: ann_cfg (list[dict]): Each dict should contain `method` and `setting` to get corresponding annotation from `DEFAULT_ANN_CONFIG`. For example: [dict(method='TFA', setting='SPILT1_1shot')]. """ voc_benchmark = { f'SPLIT{split}_{shot}SHOT': [ dict( type='ann_file', ann_file=f'data/few_shot_ann/voc/benchmark_{shot}shot/' f'box_{shot}shot_{class_name}_train.txt', ann_classes=[class_name]) for class_name in VOC_SPLIT[f'ALL_CLASSES_SPLIT{split}'] ] for shot in [1, 2, 3, 5, 10] for split in [1, 2, 3] } # pre-defined annotation config for model reproducibility DEFAULT_ANN_CONFIG = dict( TFA=voc_benchmark, FSCE=voc_benchmark, Attention_RPN=voc_benchmark, MPSR=voc_benchmark, MetaRCNN=voc_benchmark, FSDetView=voc_benchmark) def __init__(self, ann_cfg: List[Dict], **kwargs) -> None: super().__init__(ann_cfg=ann_cfg, **kwargs) def ann_cfg_parser(self, ann_cfg: List[Dict]) -> List[Dict]: """Parse pre-defined annotation config to annotation information. Args: ann_cfg (list[dict]): contain method and setting of pre-defined annotation config. Example: [dict(method='TFA', setting='SPILT1_1shot')] Returns: list[dict]: Annotation information. """ new_ann_cfg = [] for ann_cfg_ in ann_cfg: assert isinstance(ann_cfg_, dict), \ f'{self.dataset_name}: ann_cfg should be list of dict.' method = ann_cfg_['method'] setting = ann_cfg_['setting'] default_ann_cfg = self.DEFAULT_ANN_CONFIG[method][setting] ann_root = ann_cfg_.get('ann_root', None) if ann_root is not None: for i in range(len(default_ann_cfg)): default_ann_cfg[i]['ann_file'] = osp.join( ann_root, default_ann_cfg[i]['ann_file']) new_ann_cfg += default_ann_cfg return super(FewShotVOCDataset, self).ann_cfg_parser(new_ann_cfg)
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