
mmfewshot.detection.datasets.builder 源代码

# Copyright (c) OpenMMLab. All rights reserved.
import copy
import os.path as osp
from functools import partial
from typing import Dict, Optional, Tuple

from mmcv.parallel import collate
from mmcv.runner import get_dist_info
from mmcv.utils import ConfigDict, build_from_cfg
from mmdet.datasets.builder import DATASETS, worker_init_fn
from mmdet.datasets.dataset_wrappers import (ClassBalancedDataset,
                                             ConcatDataset, RepeatDataset)
from mmdet.datasets.samplers import (DistributedGroupSampler,
                                     DistributedSampler, GroupSampler)
from import DataLoader, Dataset, Sampler

from mmfewshot.utils.infinite_sampler import (DistributedInfiniteGroupSampler,
from .dataset_wrappers import (NWayKShotDataset, QueryAwareDataset,
from .utils import get_copy_dataset_type

def build_dataset(cfg: ConfigDict,
                  default_args: Dict = None,
                  rank: Optional[int] = None,
                  work_dir: Optional[str] = None,
                  timestamp: Optional[str] = None) -> Dataset:
    # If save_dataset is set to True, dataset will be saved into json.
    save_dataset = cfg.pop('save_dataset', False)

    if isinstance(cfg, (list, tuple)):
        dataset = ConcatDataset([build_dataset(c, default_args) for c in cfg])
    elif cfg['type'] == 'ConcatDataset':
        dataset = ConcatDataset(
            [build_dataset(c, default_args) for c in cfg['datasets']],
            cfg.get('separate_eval', True))
    elif cfg['type'] == 'RepeatDataset':
        dataset = RepeatDataset(
            build_dataset(cfg['dataset'], default_args), cfg['times'])
    elif cfg['type'] == 'ClassBalancedDataset':
        dataset = ClassBalancedDataset(
            build_dataset(cfg['dataset'], default_args), cfg['oversample_thr'])
    elif cfg['type'] == 'QueryAwareDataset':
        query_dataset = build_dataset(cfg['dataset'], default_args)
        # build support dataset
        if cfg.get('support_dataset', None) is not None:
            # if `copy_from_query_dataset` is True, copy and update config
            # from query_dataset and copy `data_infos` by using copy dataset
            # to avoid reproducing random sampling.
            if cfg['support_dataset'].pop('copy_from_query_dataset', False):
                support_dataset_cfg = copy.deepcopy(cfg['dataset'])
                support_dataset_cfg['type'] = get_copy_dataset_type(
                support_dataset_cfg['ann_cfg'] = [
                cfg['support_dataset'] = support_dataset_cfg
            support_dataset = build_dataset(cfg['support_dataset'],
        # support dataset will be a copy of query dataset in QueryAwareDataset
            support_dataset = None

        dataset = QueryAwareDataset(
            repeat_times=cfg.get('repeat_times', 1))
    elif cfg['type'] == 'NWayKShotDataset':
        query_dataset = build_dataset(cfg['dataset'], default_args)
        # build support dataset
        if cfg.get('support_dataset', None) is not None:
            # if `copy_from_query_dataset` is True, copy and update config
            # from query_dataset and copy `data_infos` by using copy dataset
            # to avoid reproducing random sampling.
            if cfg['support_dataset'].pop('copy_from_query_dataset', False):
                support_dataset_cfg = copy.deepcopy(cfg['dataset'])
                support_dataset_cfg['type'] = get_copy_dataset_type(
                support_dataset_cfg['ann_cfg'] = [
                cfg['support_dataset'] = support_dataset_cfg
            support_dataset = build_dataset(cfg['support_dataset'],
        # support dataset will be a copy of query dataset in NWayKShotDataset
            support_dataset = None

        dataset = NWayKShotDataset(
            num_used_support_shots=cfg.get('num_used_support_shots', None),
            repeat_times=cfg.get('repeat_times', 1),
    elif cfg['type'] == 'TwoBranchDataset':
        main_dataset = build_dataset(cfg['dataset'], default_args)
        # if `copy_from_main_dataset` is True, copy and update config
        # from main_dataset and copy `data_infos` by using copy dataset
        # to avoid reproducing random sampling.
        if cfg['auxiliary_dataset'].pop('copy_from_main_dataset', False):
            auxiliary_dataset_cfg = copy.deepcopy(cfg['dataset'])
            auxiliary_dataset_cfg['type'] = get_copy_dataset_type(
            auxiliary_dataset_cfg['ann_cfg'] = [
            cfg['auxiliary_dataset'] = auxiliary_dataset_cfg
        auxiliary_dataset = build_dataset(cfg['auxiliary_dataset'],
        dataset = TwoBranchDataset(
            reweight_dataset=cfg.get('reweight_dataset', False))
        dataset = build_from_cfg(cfg, DATASETS, default_args)

    # save dataset for the reproducibility
    if rank == 0 and save_dataset:
        save_dataset_path = osp.join(work_dir, f'{timestamp}_saved_data.json')
        if hasattr(dataset, 'save_data_infos'):
            raise AttributeError(
                f'`save_data_infos` is not implemented in {type(dataset)}.')

    return dataset

[文档]def build_dataloader(dataset: Dataset, samples_per_gpu: int, workers_per_gpu: int, num_gpus: int = 1, dist: bool = True, shuffle: bool = True, seed: Optional[int] = None, data_cfg: Optional[Dict] = None, use_infinite_sampler: bool = False, **kwargs) -> DataLoader: """Build PyTorch DataLoader. In distributed training, each GPU/process has a dataloader. In non-distributed training, there is only one dataloader for all GPUs. Args: dataset (Dataset): A PyTorch dataset. samples_per_gpu (int): Number of training samples on each GPU, i.e., batch size of each GPU. workers_per_gpu (int): How many subprocesses to use for data loading for each GPU. num_gpus (int): Number of GPUs. Only used in non-distributed training. Default:1. dist (bool): Distributed training/test or not. Default: True. shuffle (bool): Whether to shuffle the data at every epoch. Default: True. seed (int): Random seed. Default:None. data_cfg (dict | None): Dict of data configure. Default: None. use_infinite_sampler (bool): Whether to use infinite sampler. Noted that infinite sampler will keep iterator of dataloader running forever, which can avoid the overhead of worker initialization between epochs. Default: False. kwargs: any keyword argument to be used to initialize DataLoader Returns: DataLoader: A PyTorch dataloader. """ rank, world_size = get_dist_info() (sampler, batch_size, num_workers) = build_sampler( dist=dist, shuffle=shuffle, dataset=dataset, num_gpus=num_gpus, samples_per_gpu=samples_per_gpu, workers_per_gpu=workers_per_gpu, seed=seed, use_infinite_sampler=use_infinite_sampler) init_fn = partial( worker_init_fn, num_workers=num_workers, rank=rank, seed=seed) if seed is not None else None if isinstance(dataset, QueryAwareDataset): from mmfewshot.utils import multi_pipeline_collate_fn # `QueryAwareDataset` will return a list of DataContainer # `multi_pipeline_collate_fn` are designed to handle # the data with list[list[DataContainer]] data_loader = DataLoader( dataset, batch_size=batch_size, sampler=sampler, num_workers=num_workers, collate_fn=partial( multi_pipeline_collate_fn, samples_per_gpu=samples_per_gpu), pin_memory=False, worker_init_fn=init_fn, **kwargs) elif isinstance(dataset, NWayKShotDataset): from .dataloader_wrappers import NWayKShotDataloader from mmfewshot.utils import multi_pipeline_collate_fn # `NWayKShotDataset` will return a list of DataContainer # `multi_pipeline_collate_fn` are designed to handle # the data with list[list[DataContainer]] # initialize query dataloader query_data_loader = DataLoader( dataset, batch_size=batch_size, sampler=sampler, num_workers=num_workers, collate_fn=partial( multi_pipeline_collate_fn, samples_per_gpu=samples_per_gpu), pin_memory=False, worker_init_fn=init_fn, **kwargs) support_dataset = copy.deepcopy(dataset) # if infinite sampler is used, the length of batch indices in # support_dataset can be longer than the length of query dataset # as it can achieve better sample diversity if use_infinite_sampler: support_dataset.convert_query_to_support(len(dataset) * num_gpus) # create support dataset from query dataset and # sample batch indices with same length as query dataloader else: support_dataset.convert_query_to_support( len(query_data_loader) * num_gpus) (support_sampler, _, _) = build_sampler( dist=dist, shuffle=False, dataset=support_dataset, num_gpus=num_gpus, samples_per_gpu=1, workers_per_gpu=workers_per_gpu, seed=seed, use_infinite_sampler=use_infinite_sampler) # support dataloader is initialized with batch_size 1 as default. # each batch contains (num_support_ways * num_support_shots) images, # since changing batch_size is equal to changing num_support_shots. support_data_loader = DataLoader( support_dataset, batch_size=1, sampler=support_sampler, num_workers=num_workers, collate_fn=partial(multi_pipeline_collate_fn, samples_per_gpu=1), pin_memory=False, worker_init_fn=init_fn, **kwargs) # wrap two dataloaders with dataloader wrapper data_loader = NWayKShotDataloader( query_data_loader=query_data_loader, support_data_loader=support_data_loader) elif isinstance(dataset, TwoBranchDataset): from .dataloader_wrappers import TwoBranchDataloader from mmfewshot.utils import multi_pipeline_collate_fn # `TwoBranchDataset` will return a list of DataContainer # `multi_pipeline_collate_fn` are designed to handle # the data with list[list[DataContainer]] # initialize main dataloader main_data_loader = DataLoader( dataset, batch_size=batch_size, sampler=sampler, num_workers=num_workers, collate_fn=partial( multi_pipeline_collate_fn, samples_per_gpu=samples_per_gpu), pin_memory=False, worker_init_fn=init_fn, **kwargs) # convert main dataset to auxiliary dataset auxiliary_dataset = copy.deepcopy(dataset) auxiliary_dataset.convert_main_to_auxiliary() # initialize auxiliary sampler and dataloader auxiliary_samples_per_gpu = \ data_cfg.get('auxiliary_samples_per_gpu', samples_per_gpu) auxiliary_workers_per_gpu = \ data_cfg.get('auxiliary_workers_per_gpu', workers_per_gpu) (auxiliary_sampler, auxiliary_batch_size, auxiliary_num_workers) = build_sampler( dist=dist, shuffle=shuffle, dataset=auxiliary_dataset, num_gpus=num_gpus, samples_per_gpu=auxiliary_samples_per_gpu, workers_per_gpu=auxiliary_workers_per_gpu, seed=seed, use_infinite_sampler=use_infinite_sampler) auxiliary_data_loader = DataLoader( auxiliary_dataset, batch_size=auxiliary_batch_size, sampler=auxiliary_sampler, num_workers=auxiliary_num_workers, collate_fn=partial( multi_pipeline_collate_fn, samples_per_gpu=auxiliary_samples_per_gpu), pin_memory=False, worker_init_fn=init_fn, **kwargs) # wrap two dataloaders with dataloader wrapper data_loader = TwoBranchDataloader( main_data_loader=main_data_loader, auxiliary_data_loader=auxiliary_data_loader, **kwargs) else: data_loader = DataLoader( dataset, batch_size=batch_size, sampler=sampler, num_workers=num_workers, collate_fn=partial(collate, samples_per_gpu=samples_per_gpu), pin_memory=False, worker_init_fn=init_fn, **kwargs) return data_loader
def build_sampler( dist: bool, shuffle: bool, dataset: Dataset, num_gpus: int, samples_per_gpu: int, workers_per_gpu: int, seed: int, use_infinite_sampler: bool = False) -> Tuple[Sampler, int, int]: """Build pytorch sampler for dataLoader. Args: dist (bool): Distributed training/test or not. shuffle (bool): Whether to shuffle the data at every epoch. dataset (Dataset): A PyTorch dataset. num_gpus (int): Number of GPUs. Only used in non-distributed training. samples_per_gpu (int): Number of training samples on each GPU, i.e., batch size of each GPU. workers_per_gpu (int): How many subprocesses to use for data loading for each GPU. seed (int): Random seed. use_infinite_sampler (bool): Whether to use infinite sampler. Noted that infinite sampler will keep iterator of dataloader running forever, which can avoid the overhead of worker initialization between epochs. Default: False. Returns: tuple: Contains corresponding sampler and arguments - sampler(:obj:`sampler`) : Corresponding sampler used in dataloader. - batch_size(int): Batch size of dataloader. - num_works(int): The number of processes loading data in the data loader. """ rank, world_size = get_dist_info() if dist: # Infinite sampler will return a infinite stream of index. But, # the length of infinite sampler is set to the actual length of # dataset, thus the length of dataloader is still determined # by the dataset. if shuffle: if use_infinite_sampler: sampler = DistributedInfiniteGroupSampler( dataset, samples_per_gpu, world_size, rank, seed=seed) else: # DistributedGroupSampler will definitely shuffle the data to # satisfy that images on each GPU are in the same group sampler = DistributedGroupSampler( dataset, samples_per_gpu, world_size, rank, seed=seed) else: if use_infinite_sampler: sampler = DistributedInfiniteSampler( dataset, world_size, rank, shuffle=False, seed=seed) else: sampler = DistributedSampler( dataset, world_size, rank, shuffle=False, seed=seed) batch_size = samples_per_gpu num_workers = workers_per_gpu else: if use_infinite_sampler: sampler = InfiniteGroupSampler( dataset, samples_per_gpu, seed=seed, shuffle=shuffle) else: sampler = GroupSampler(dataset, samples_per_gpu) \ if shuffle else None batch_size = num_gpus * samples_per_gpu num_workers = num_gpus * workers_per_gpu return sampler, batch_size, num_workers
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